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Avinesh Kumar, a bright and ambitious migrant child in Delhi, dreams of a brighter future through education. Having moved to the bustling city with his family in search of better opportunities, Avinesh faces numerous challenges, including financial constraints and limited access to quality schooling.Recognizing his potential, the Thaagam Foundation has stepped in to support him. Through their fundraising efforts, they aim to provide Avinesh with the resources he needs—tuition fees, books, and mentorship—so he can pursue his studies without hindrance.With the community's support, Avinesh is determined to excel academically and one day give back to those who helped him along the way. His story is not just about overcoming obstacles; it's about hope, resilience, and the transformative power of education. By investing in Avinesh’s future, we can help him turn his dreams into reality and inspire countless other children like him.
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