Inniya, a young and dedicated student at Seventh Day Adventist Matriculation School, is facing severe financial hardships. Despite her strong determination to succeed in her studies, her family’s financial struggles are putting her education at risk.
Every contribution, big or small, can make a significant impact on Inniya’s life. Let’s come together to ensure she has the opportunity to pursue her dreams through education.
Make a difference today. Help Inniya stay in school.
✅ School Fees
✅ Books & Stationery
✅ Other essential educational needs
1️⃣ Our team will personally visit School to make the payment directly to the school.
2️⃣ We will capture this meaningful moment on video to ensure transparency and accountability.
3️⃣ The video will be shared with you, the beneficiary, as a token of gratitude and proof of the impact your support has made.
Thank you for making a difference! Together, we are transforming lives through education.