Manvi Kumari, a bright and determined young girl, has faced numerous challenges as a female migrant child in Noida. Despite her passion for learning, financial constraints have made it difficult for her to pursue her education. Recognizing her potential, the Thaagam Foundation has stepped in to support her dreams. Through crowdfunding efforts, they aim to raise the necessary funds for Manvi’s school fees, ensuring she can continue her education and unlock a future filled with opportunities. Join us in helping Manvi break the cycle of poverty and achieve her dreams!
"Thanks to your support, we have made significant progress toward the funds needed for their annual education. Your contribution will help cover essential educational expenses, ensuring a brighter future for the child."
✅ School Fees
✅ Books & Stationery
✅ Other essential educational needs
🕒 What’s Next?
1️⃣ Our team will personally visit School to make the payment directly to the school.
2️⃣ We will capture this meaningful moment on video to ensure transparency and accountability.
3️⃣ The video will be shared with you, the beneficiary, as a token of gratitude and proof of the impact your support has made.
Thank you for making a difference! Together, we are transforming lives through education.