In the bustling streets of Delhi, a young girl named Ragini dreams of a brighter future. As a female migrant child, she faces numerous challenges, but her spirit remains unbroken. With her family struggling to make ends meet, education often takes a backseat to survival.Ragini's passion for learning shines through her determination. Despite limited resources, she attends a local school, where she eagerly absorbs knowledge, hoping to become a teacher one day. Her ambition is fueled by the desire to uplift other children like herself.The Thaagam Foundation recognizes Ragini's potential and has launched a fundraising campaign to support her education. With funds raised, Ragini can access better educational resources, attend after-school programs, and receive mentorship. This support will not only help her achieve her dreams but also inspire other migrant children in her community.Together, we can empower Ragini and countless others to break the cycle of poverty through education. Join us in making a difference!
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